Xiom - Vega X

With the Xiom Vega X (or Vega Ten), the Korean table tennis brand Xiom celebrates the 10th anniversary of the popular ... See More


With the Xiom Vega X (or Vega Ten), the Korean table tennis brand Xiom celebrates the 10th anniversary of the popular Vega rubber series. It is already the 14th rubber variant of the series.
Xiom Vega X is a topspin rubber of the latest generation. The rubber is one of the best spin-creating topspin rubbers in combination with the plastic ball.
Due to its playing characteristics and hardness, the rubber is a worthy successor to the Xiom Vega Pro.

Brand: Xiom
Item code: 23002001
Hardness: hard
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
ITTF: yes

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