Payment Options
We provide to our customers many different ways of paying for your purchase. You can choose the one which is best for you.
You can pay by cash at our shops.
Credit Card 
We accept Visa, Electron, MasterCard and Maestro at our shops in Prague, Ostrava and Olomouc .
Cash On Delivery 
This service is possible only in Czech republic and Slovak republic. You pay cash to the delivery company which brings the parcel to your address. Delivery fare is only extra 30 CZK / 1 EUR. You can pay by cash or credit card (GLS or PPL). Customers from other countries will be asked to pay by credit card, PayPal or bank transfer.
Credit Card Online 
You can pay by credit card online (check with your bank that it is possible with your card). At the end of the ordering process you state a sixteen-digit card number and a CVC / CVV code. There is no need to worry – data transfer is encrypted and absolutely safe. Payments are processed by the GoPay payment portal.
Bank transfer 
An invoice will be sent to your e-mail address after finalising your order. In case you have an CZK account with Raiffeisenbank (eBank) or EUR account with FIO Banka a.s., your payment will be processed within 15 minutes. With other banks the process might take 1 working day.
Our account number in Euro (EUR only):
FIO Banka: 2500678538 / 2010
IBAN: CZ6920100000002500678538
Our account numbers in Czech Crowns (CZK only):
Raiffeisenbank: 3340020001 / 5500
IBAN: CZ3455000000003340020001
Use your order number or invoice number as a variable symbol.
Online Payments
Very popular method which you can choose while making payment.
Raiffeisenbank e-payment 
Possible only for Raiffeisenbank clients. After finalising your order you will be automatically redirected to the GoPay payment gate where you only confirm your prefilled payment summary. Subsequently we will see your order within minutes.
mBank payment 
Possible only for mBank clients. After finalising your order you will be automatically redirected to the GoPay payment gate where you only confirm your prefilled payment summary. Subsequently we will see your order within minutes.
Komerční banka 
Possible only for Komerční banka clients. After finalising your order you will be automatically redirected to the GoPay payment gate where you only confirm your prefilled payment summary. Subsequently we will see your order within minutes.
Fio banka 
Possible only for Fio banka clients. After finalising your order you will be automatically redirected to the GoPay payment gate where you only confirm your prefilled payment summary. Subsequently we will see your order within minutes.
Česká spořitelna 
Servis24 is popular method for clients of Česká spořitelna.
GoPay Online wallet payment 
For GoPay clients. After finalising your order you will be automatically redirected to the GoPay payment gate where you only confirm your prefilled payment summary. Subsequently we will see your order within minutes.