DONIC - Elite Carbon

DONIC 2020 Offensive players looking for a high level of penetrating power. Very powerful, fast and with excellent ... See More


DONIC 2020

Offensive players looking for a high level of penetrating power.
Very powerful, fast and with excellent penetration, with great dynamics and hard, clear ball feedback.
Technology: 7 plies made of abachi (core ply), aramid carbon fleece (3+5), limba (2+6) and limba (1+7)

DONIC ELITE CARBON - For extra power
Another carbon blade? Yes, but a very special one. Produced in Sweden, the DONIC ELITE CARBON immediately impressed Jörgen Persson so much that the former World Champion now plays with this blade. The relatively soft core veneer made of abachi is surrounded by a fine layer or aramid carbon fleece, while two layers of limba round off the blade as a whole. This results in a real powerhouse of a blade. Anyone who is looking to adapt their game in line with the requirements of the plastic ball while adding more power and hardness to their shots is sure to be impressed with the DONIC ELITE CARBON

Brand: DONIC
Item code: 14102002
Speed: 90
Control: 70
Weight: 90 g
Layers: 5+2
Pcs: 1 pcs
Material: carbon
ITTF: yes
Warranty: 2 years

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